krotate [Unbreakable 2024]

writeup by: zenbassi

Challenge Description

We managed to intercept communication with a critical mission. We can’t decipher it but managed to break into the system and recover what looks like part of the communication and an algorithm for it.

Can you get the full message?


Analysing the encryption algorithm enables us to make a few interesting and useful observations. Firstly, the cipher-text is obtained by splitting the clear-text into blocks, xoring each block with a key and then joining the xored blocks together.

def xor_text(text, key):
    return bytes([text[i] ^ key[i] for i in range(len(text))])

def encrypt(text, key):
    ciphertext = b""
    blocks = [text[i : i + KEY_LEN] for i in range(0, len(text), KEY_LEN)]
    for i, block in enumerate(blocks):
        ciphertext += xor_text(block, key)
        key = next_key(key)
    return ciphertext

Secondly, the key for each block is derived from the previous key, by xoring each byte of the key with a pre-determined value.

def RGEN():
    global R
    R = ((R << 1) ^ (0x71 if (R & 0x80) else 0)) & 0xFF
    return R

def next_key(key):
    return bytes([key[i] ^ RGEN() for i in range(len(key))])

Since we know a crib with the length ~600 bytes and the key is only 100 bytes in length, we can retrieve the key by guessing the correct position of the crib, and the use the key to decrypt the message.


We made our job a lot easier by first eliminating every change inflicted by the R component of the key variation algorithm. We can do this by encrypting the cipher-text with a zeroed-out key. The result is simply the plain-text xored block-wise with the unmodified key. We then use a simple brute-force algorithm to find the crib offset and the key offset within the crib section. We filter all possible variations based on some extra plain-text we extracted during failed attempts at fully decrypting the message.

# cipher with R xored out
cypher = open("./unfucked_cipher.txt", "rb").read()
known = open("./known", "rb").read()

offset = 0

while True:
    full_plain = offset * b"K" + known
    if len(full_plain) > len(cypher):
    full_plain += b"K" * (len(cypher) - len(full_plain))

    kinda_key = [full_plain[i] ^ cypher[i] for i in range(len(full_plain))]

    key_offset = (offset // 100 + 1) * 100
    actual_key = kinda_key[key_offset: key_offset + KEY_LEN]
    dec = encrypt(cypher, actual_key)

    # just inspect every output. there's not so many of them
    # one of them will contain the flag :D
    if b"Godspeed" in dec:
        print(offset, key_offset)
    offset += 1

