Discord Events [LA CTF 2024]

misc forensics
writeup by: H0N3YP0T

Challenge Description

I wrote a new script to sync PBR’s events to a bunch of places. I even deployed it to the LA CTF server with a flag as an event id!

Note: the event ID is formatted in the normal flag format lactf{…} - it is not the discord numerical ID.


The main hint I have here is the name of the challenge himself Discord Events. I thought the flag was hidden in the discord events of the LA CTF server. Also the challenge description says something about syncing PBR events and I noticed that the event was created by the user Power Brick Robot which in short version is PBR. When visiting the profile of this bot, I noticed a link to a GitHub repository.

event bot


The solution is hidden in the index.ts file of the repository.


Between line 38 and 48, there is the following code:

interface StegcloakdCyaneaMetadata {
  // event id
  i: string
  // event banner url
  b?: string | undefined

function stegcloakEventDescription(id: string, banner: string | null | undefined, description: string): string {
  const metadata: StegcloakdCyaneaMetadata = { i: id, ...(banner ? { b: banner } : {}) }
  return stegcloak.hide(JSON.stringify(metadata), "", description)

This piece of code is very important because I remembered that the challenge description says that the flag is the event id and as we can see, the event id is a parameter of a function called stegcloakEventDescription. After a quick search on the internet, I found that stegcloak is a tool to hide a secret based on another string. I decided to use the website stegcloak to decode the discord event description without using any password. The result was the following:





Thanks to sunbather for working with me on this challenge.