Symatrix [Google Ctf 2023]
Challenge Description
The CIA has been tracking a group of hackers who communicate using PNG files embedded with a custom steganography algorithm. An insider spy was able to obtain the encoder, but it is not the original code. You have been tasked with reversing the encoder file and creating a decoder as soon as possible in order to read the most recent PNG file they have sent.
We are given a PNG file and a CPython transpilation/compilation of the original Python script used to embed a secret in the PNG file. We can see it sometimes contains comments leaking parts of the original Python script. We can extract those using a script to recreate the original script.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
f = open("encoder.c")
prog = ["" for _ in range(100)]
num = 0
for line in f.readlines():
if line.strip().startswith("/* \"encoder"):
num = int(line.split(":")[1])
# print(num)
if line.startswith(" * "):
good_line = line.split("*")[1].strip()
prog[num] = good_line
num += 1
for line in prog:
We get the original file:
from PIL import Image # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
from random import randint
import binascii
def hexstr_to_binstr(hexstr): # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
n = int(hexstr, 16)
bstr = ''
while n > 0:
bstr = str(n % 2) + bstr
n = n >> 1
if len(bstr) % 8 != 0:
bstr = '0' + bstr
return bstr # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
def pixel_bit(b): # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
return tuple((0, 1, b))
def embed(t1, t2): # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
return tuple((t1[0] + t2[0], t1[1] + t2[1], t1[2] + t2[2]))
def full_pixel(pixel): # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
return pixel[1] == 255 or pixel[2] == 255
print("Embedding file...")
bin_data = open("./flag.txt", 'rb').read()
data_to_hide = binascii.hexlify(bin_data).decode('utf-8')
base_image ="./original.png")
x_len, y_len = base_image.size
nx_len = x_len
new_image ="RGB", (nx_len, y_len))
base_matrix = base_image.load()
new_matrix = new_image.load()
binary_string = hexstr_to_binstr(data_to_hide)
remaining_bits = len(binary_string)
nx_len = nx_len - 1
next_position = 0
for i in range(0, y_len): # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
for j in range(0, x_len):
pixel = new_matrix[j, i] = base_matrix[j, i]
if remaining_bits > 0 and next_position <= 0 and not full_pixel(pixel): # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
new_matrix[nx_len - j, i] = embed(pixel_bit(int(binary_string[0])), pixel)
next_position = randint(1, 17)
binary_string = binary_string[1:]
remaining_bits -= 1
new_matrix[nx_len - j, i] = pixel
next_position -= 1 # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<"./symatrix.png")
print("Work done!")
exit(1) # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
We notice that each bit of the secret is embedded into the blue channel of each pixel, starting from top right, going to the left. It also skips a random amount of pixels. Because the first few lines in our image are all black pixels, we can deduce which pixels were used by looking on the green channel. Each used pixel should have the value 1 on the green channel, because all the pixels were initially (0,0,0) and a used pixel has the info (0,1,b) (where b is the secret bit). We recreate the secret by modifying the embedding script a bit:
from PIL import Image
use_custom_hexstr = True
def binstr_to_hexstr(binstr):
if use_custom_hexstr:
hexstr = ''
for i in range(0, len(binstr), 8):
start = i
end = i + 8
slice = int(binstr[start:end], 2)
slice_str = hex(slice)[2:]
if len(slice_str) % 2 == 1:
slice_str = '0' + slice_str
hexstr += slice_str
return hexstr
return hex(int(binstr, 2))
def pixel_bit(b):
return tuple((0, 1, b))
def embed(data_pixel, original_pixel):
return tuple((data_pixel[0] + original_pixel[0], data_pixel[1] + original_pixel[1], data_pixel[2] + original_pixel[2]))
def full_pixel(pixel):
return pixel[1] == 255 or pixel[2] == 255
base_image ="./symatrix.png")
x_len, y_len = base_image.size
nx_len = x_len
base_matrix = base_image.load()
binary_result_string = ''
nx_len = nx_len - 1
limit = 1546 * 19
for i in range(0, y_len):
for j in range(0, x_len):
limit -= 1
if limit == 0:
# assert len(binary_result_string) % 8 == 0
hex_result = binstr_to_hexstr(binary_result_string)[2:]
if len(hex_result) % 2 == 1:
hex_result = '0' + hex_result
pixel = base_matrix[nx_len - j, i]
if full_pixel(pixel):
if pixel[1] >= 1:
assert pixel[2] == 1 or pixel[2] == 0
binary_result_string += str(pixel[2])
print("Work done!")