Nsort [Defcamp Quals 2023]

writeup by: Koyossu

Challenge Description

Can you escape the sandbox? Do you have all the needed info?


The vulnerability was a RCE given through the use of eval in php web page. It was a RCE vulnerability written in the style of a web injection. There was a hidden parameter when doing a get request on the index.html page. If we had that param the page executed an eval on a formatted string that, we guessed was of this format eval(“somePHPSortingFunction($_GET[‘poc’])”). thus For the vulnerability to be exploited we needed to escape and close the sorting function then execute our wanted code.


Going on the / route or index.php in browser we get this message


We see flag.php mentioned, and we try to visit the site. The page has the following content.


Having seen this message we know that this is yet another web jail/escape. Referring to the content of index.php we so the last # that looked suspicious. Missing poc in get might mean that there is a param in the url named poc, that is expected when we do a get on the page. We tried this


Bingo! Our suspicion was correct! This is yet another escape with the use of eval. From here onwards we try different payloads to see the results.The challenge description asked us if we have all we need to solve the chall. We thinked that maybe there are some hints outside the web page, in the challenge description and in the title. The challenge name is nsort. In php there is a sorting function called natsort, so we were thinking that maybe the php webpage is doing an eval of a string that calls a sorting function with our input as parameters. We tried giving the sorting algorithm an array as input and closing the function, so we can write custom code that will give us a different input because the sorting does not have any return echoed. Here is our process:



So what we have gathered, This is a RCE with an injection like payload, due to the comments at the end, the errors we received managed to tell us how to close the function that had our input wrapped into it, thus having no syntax error. So our we now need to simply find the flag. The index.php file said that the flag.php had the flag, when inspecting it we see no commented code, surely the page must have the flag inside its code, so we try echoing the file contents, thus arriving at the final payload.


